Junk Munkez, LBN, 2012
In their line, the two designers create sturdy stools by using
old washing machine drums.
The stools build on Arab and Islamic tradition of design where colorful geometry used to cover building and artifacts.

Knit-Knacks Washing machine drum stools 2012
Sample 1: Nordic Stool
Sample 2: Snow Flake Stool
Sample 3: Arabesque Stool
Washing machine drum, fan cage, yarn, textiles
H ranging from 25–32,
Ø ranging from 45–50 cm
Series: Nordic, Snowflake, Arabesque models
Xavier Baghdadi &
Lea Kirdikian
Junk Munkez is a start-up that is the collaboration between designers Lea Kirdikian and Xavier Baghdadi aiming at designing eco-friendly products with eco-conscious ethics. The team resides in Beirut, Lebanon and is on a mission to conquer their local junkyards and trash heaps. Their designs are colorful and fun furnishings inspired by local design and aesthetics. There is no awareness of the value and importance of recycling in Lebanon. Under such conditions, Junk Munkez’s work becomes of high social relevance since it also has an educational role. Their designs and products educate whoever sees it, buys it and uses it. The team also plans workshops for children and adults where they try to teach DIY and RRR principles to the larger community.
By breathing life to in to the landfills and junkyards of Beirut they hope that their work will push their community and other designers to think “green” as well.
Junk Munkez: Xavier Baghdadi & Lea Kirdikian
Studies: Xavier Baghdadi - Illustration, Animation | Lea Kirdikian: Product Design
Philosophy: eco-conscious, eco-friendly, spreading DIY and RRR principles, upcycling
Status: freelance designer
Lives/works: Montreal, Canada
Upcycled! Upgraded!
Pure Gold is an exhibition organized by the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Stuttgart, Germany, which promotes art and cultural exchange in exhibitions, dialogue and conference programs.
As a competence center for international cultural relations, ifa connects civil societies, cultural practices, art, media and science. The ifa is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden-Württemberg and its capital Stuttgart.
©2022 ifa. Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen